Monday, May 24, 2010

we have survived our first week at home!! we have had some wonderful visitors as well. we had Fisher's 2 week de appt today, a bit early due to our trip, and she weighed 7lbs 6.5 oz! almost a pound over birth weight at 10 days. needless to say, she is very healthy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! Our newest addition is Fisher Joy McKinney. She weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was 18 inches long. Born at 7:15 am on Friday May 14. We are so excited. Knowing how the world works, I always anticipated having to drive to Austin in the middle of the night, and for once, I was right. We went to bed on Thursday night and I told Micah that I would probably make it through the night but not the weekend. I could not get comfortable so I called the Midwife and talked to her. We decided to wake Micah and probably drive to the hospital, just for checks. It is a two hour drive for us. So, at 11pm we loaded everything up and woke Drake and off we went. By the time we got to Austin, about 1am it was definitely time to be there! The contractions became more intense and as we got a room, Micah we got Drake situated with toys and Micah called Gary, who happened to arrive in Llano just hours before, to come sit with Drake. We were so grateful he was there! It was a long nite for sweet Drake and he finally fell asleep on the couch at 430am only to be woken by nurses at 630am to leave the room. It was time to have a baby! Things moved very quickly from the dilation standpoint. I went from a 5 at 530 to a 10 within two hours. Baby Fisher came and is super healthy. And, I survived, which is ultimately the goal.
Fisher is so sweet. She has dark hair and a dark complexion, a perfect tiny little head and long toes and finger. Drake is completely in love with her, as we all are. He cannot stop stroking her hands and head and giving her kisses. We were able to only spend one night in the hospital so home we came on Saturday. It was such a whirlwind! But, now that we are at home, we are all getting good sleep and learning how our little family works. Dad was here til Sunday and BG is here today and they are both such big help. We can't wait to introduce her to all of you. thank you all for the well wishes. Our first trip as a family will be to Ruidoso for opening weekend of racing. We'll spend a week there for Memorial Weekend. Maybe we'll see you there!