Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Will give you an update primarily in pictures. Most of you received an announcement recently. Took me a while to get those out. If you didn't then you're not on my mailing list and I need to add you, so let me know. Fisher is growing big and strong. At her one month appointment she was 10lbs 7oz and 22 1/2 inches long. Still no immunizations until month 2, so we aren't passing her around much, yet. She is suffering from the same reflux that Drake has always had. fortunately we at least know this time around and are working on a remedy. It has been extremely difficult to manage getting anything accomplished. We can't put her down at all and she feels bad after eating for a while. This, too, shall pass! Started a new medication Monday that we are really hopeful about. We have been to Ruidoso twice since she was born and will return next week for a large portion of July. we have really been having good luck since Memorial weekend. Have managed 2 firsts, 3 seconds and a fourth since then. Drake is a super big brother. Still quite a mess and way too smart for his own good, but we adore him.
If you are due a thank you card, i apologize for the delay but I am making progress so please be patient with me! Micah and Drake spent Father's Day at the lake on the boat and we have all been playing in the pool and with our new water slide!

Friday, June 4, 2010

It has been a wild and crazy 3 weeks, but we are slowly moving into something that resembles a routine. We had a big weekend of races over Memorial weekend, we didn't fare quite as well as we had hoped in several, but did qualify for a decent race in two weeks. It was really nice to see all our friends from last summer and you an imagine their surprise when we showed them a new baby! They never knew we were expecting. Fisher is quite a trooper for travel and Drake is still a great big brother. Home again for about 10 days then off to the mountain again.!