Wednesday, August 25, 2010

we have almost finished our stay at Ruidoso. We made a short trip home for a follow up visit with the Gastro for Fisher. She does not have any physical internal problems but definitely has reflux. The only way to end the reflux is to do surgery and she is developing and growing so well that we don't want to do that. She is growing like crazy! She now weighs 14lbs 12oz and is 24 inches long. She has gained 2 pounds and 1 1/2 inches in 5 weeks. She coos and laughs and can hold her head up really well. A sweet baby even with all the crying and discomfort. We were able to increase her medication with the weight gain so she should be better. We have also been taking her to the chiropractor which also makes a huge difference.
Drake is also getting so big. He is just our little man for sure. He is eager to help and eager to please and loves to play tricks and tell jokes. We will be celebrating his third birthday just around the corner.
as soon as we get home after labor day, i will post some of our win pictures from this summer.
we all went to the first home Cowboy's game in August. Love love the stadium still. Fisher had her first plane ride and did very well and both kids were angels at the game. Drake is more involved in the game now and is completely smitten by the cheerleaders.
Until next time....

Monday, August 2, 2010

It has been so long since I have been able to update. Fisher is growing so big and strong. She was 12 lbs and 12 oz at 2 months. Everything about her is the opposite of Drake. She likes hot water, he likes cold; she has bad days and good nights, he had good days and bad nights; Drake could sleep through anything, she can't stand noise. crazy. We have taken her to what seems like a million doctor's appointments since we came home. Our wonderful chiropractor, Shawn Scott, has been working wonders with her. and we doubled her medication and those two combined seem to be helping a times. "this too shall pass" has become my mantra. As you can see with the pictures, Drake has been very busy. We finally had a family picture taken for the fourth of July thanks to Katie. The races have been going really well and still look promising. Drake spent some time at the fire station in Ruidoso and he was so entranced with it all he never took his tongue out of his cheek. He was able to push all the buttons in the engines and even spray the water hose. He loved it. We then went to Hannah Crenshaw's first birthday party where they shared cake and all her toys. Drake had his first sleep-over with Tio Tyler and Avery, Lyla and Bernadette. He lasted all night and didn't want to leave the next morning. We went back to Kerrville for Avery's third birthday last weekend. We always love spending time with them. The Earl's all love our children as their own and Drake is the president of the Earl fan club. We are home until Wednesday when we will head back to Ruidoso more or less until Labor Day. Fisher has a follow up appointment with the Gastro on the 25th, so we will be here briefly. Lots of big races to come and big sales to add to our family of horses. we have plans to meet lots of friends and family in New Mexico over the next month and are very excited. Also, Dallas Cowboy football starts the 8th! yeehaw!! Cant wait to make the first game at the stadium on the 12th. Hope you are all well. Keep us in your prayers and we will do the same. until next time....